Monday, July 30, 2007

roadtrip deluxe

I went on a road trip through the rocky mountains, it was glorious.

I started my travels going west on I-10 allll the way to phoenix (mesa), arizona. I got to spend some time with my old college roomie.

I was at a rest stop in arizona, and I was looking at my map, trying to figure out how much farther I had left to go. I got out of my car to use the facilities, and this rather unsavory looking gentleman attempted to talk to me. I completely ignored him and went in to the bathroom. I finished up and came back out, and the guy has MOVED his car directly next to MINE, and then he says to me, "hey, do you know where you're going?" I looked at him with all the haughtiness I could muster and say with the clearest and least accented voice imaginable, "Yes. aaaand no speako english." and then I promptly drove away.

If New Jersey is the devil's armpit, then New Mexico is definitely the devil's asshole. Stupid desert. It's not even pretty. No wonder the aliens haven't come back.

Colorado is the most gorgeous state, but my nose wouldn't stop bleeding the entire time. Stupid elevation.

Arizona is so hot that my shoes don't fit there. It was still a great time. You should go! Just make sure you have air conditioning and RedBull if you decide to drive.

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